Friday, February 6, 2009

Butter And Eggs Marigold

Butter And Eggs Marigold
Targetes patula
Hardy Annual 2-3"plant
1-1 1/2"flowers
A recent favorite from our breeding program, this attractive marigold has soft golden 1-1/2 yellow flowers brushed with burnt orange radiating from the center. Sow 1 seed per inch directly in the garden when danger of frost has passed. For earlier blooms start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost date and transplant when danger of frost has passed. Enrich the soil with compost. Harvesting tips: pick at the peak of bloom.

Planting Depth: 1/4"
Soil Temp. for Germ.: 65-80°F
Days to Germ.: 6-10
Plant Spacing: 12-18"
Days to Maturity: 80-90
Full Sun
Moderate Water
Pack weight .420gms ~ 100 seeds

If you grow any flowers at all, marigolds are probably among them, but did you know how many marigold choices you have, from the dwarf single-flowered signets to the bushy midsized French types to the stately 3', late blooming American marigolds? Their sunny Aztec colors range from mahogany through orange, yellow, cream and now even white. A fourth marigold type, the hybrid triploids, are a cross between the American and French marigolds with intermediate size, wider color range then the Americans, and extra-generous blooming habit.
WHEN TO PLANT: Triploid plants are sterile, and seeds for triploids are more expensive and have a lower germination rate then other marigolds, so these types should always be sown under cover, starting in early spring and set out as transplants after frost danger has passed. American marigolds should also be started early because they are so late to bloom. French and signet marigolds may be either direct seeded after frost or grown as transplants.
HOW TO PLANT: Spacing varies from 8-10" for shorter varieties up to 18" for taller kinds.
GROWING CONDITIONS: Marigolds need full sun but not rich soil and they should not be overwatered. They appreciate good drainage.

PURCHASED: 1/2g from Seeds of Change, Feb '09. $2.99
STARTED SEED: Should start this around April 1st


Annie*s Granny said...

I'm loving this seed series. I have begun to do something similar with my card file of "2009 Individual Plant Analysis", and to a lesser extent in my three year garden journal which, if I am diligent about writing in it, should prove invaluable.

I hate those seeds that take three weeks to germinate! I have three containers of saved pepper seeds staring at me, in their second week, with nothing showing! I didn't realize some of the seeds are light sensitive, and I've been setting them out in the warm sunshine. Maybe that was a no-no.

For the light sensitive seeds sown in the garden, possibly my trick used with the slow germinating carrots to keep them from drying out would also work. I plant, water gently, then cover with a board. At the first sign of a sprout, I remove the board.

Just Jenn said...

That's the trick isn't it? Keep up the documentation. I'll start off strong but I can already see how I might get a little behind when the garden gets goin. I'd rather be outside with the birds and bugs then indoors tapping away on the computer. I am excited though to have it all on-line instead of written down. How much easier to have a search function!

Good idea keeping them in the dark with a board! I've got my seed bench in a cool dark basement so it's pretty much not an issue so far but I'll have to keep that little trick in mind if I need it.

I heard another good idea to germinate dark loving seeds were to wrap them in a damp paper towel and place in a zip lock bag on top of your grow lights (which keeps them warm while the lights are on, but still in the dark). Of course as soon as they sprout they need to be put into soil for the nutrients.

Annie*s Granny said...

I decided my saved pepper seeds are probably not viable, so yesterday I bought a package. Read that peppers like a temperature of 80F for germinating so, not having anyplace to put them at that temp (my tomato seeds are taking up residence on top of the gas range), I dragged out my heating pad (waterproof), placed a metal rack over it and set the mini-greenhouse on the rack. Inserted a quick read thermometer, and found it stayed at exactly 80F with the pad turned to low! It will be nice to get back home where I have room to set up lights for the seedlings.