Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Garden Book Review


Thoughts: It took me a while to plough though this book but overall it was a good read. It covers a lot of the basics and places emphasis where it should be, on healthy soil. It was also more then I ever wanted to know about grass! I didn't think there was quite so much TO know, but apparently there is. And now I know it. Or at least I'll know where to go (and look stuff up) when I run into lawn care woes. In the meantime since I've been transitioning the lawn care to all organic this was a great resource and I'll be sure to work in these methods to my own garden maintenance calendar. A worthy read.


Deborah Verhoeven said...

Hi, Jenn. I stumbled onto your blog while googling why my morning glories look so sick. (Ever wonder how people find you?)

We don't have a lawn, but when we did my husband kept it up beautifully. All he did was fertilize twice per year, and used a self-mulching lawn mower.

LOL! I still don't know why my morning glories look sick. Must be the Florida sun.

Deborah Verhoeven said...

Okay. I've posted a picture of my sad sick morning glories on my blog. Thanks.

Darla said...

Came by from Deborah's. You have a nice blog. Love the mason jars protecting the newbies in your garden. We are always learning in the garden aren't we...