In a few more years it'll look more like other fluffily apple stick. ;^) (Honey Crisp)

Overall the garden is doing well this year despite the cool wet weather. We had a great fiery sunset the other night.

Our pea pods have formed but alas, no peas as of yet. ::le sigh::

Chives are still blooming. I love their happy little bobby heads!

Strawberries are green too.

Our first tomato! I hope they're not all nearly greenies like last year. That was pretty disappointing.

In years past I've had a lot of trouble with everything under the sun eating my artichokes. I finally wised up a bit and moved them. So far the only the slugs have found them and I took care of it quick with Sluggo Plus. That was that. Now if I can just keep the aphids from locating them when the weather warms up I'll be good and might even get an artichoke or two this year! If they do show up, I've got a new trick up my sleeve. Ha!

With most of my attention going to the back yard my poor front yard has been entirely neglected. My sis came over to help me weed and brought her nice calm happy daughter. My kid on the other hand... well, I can say it's never dull around here! (and yes, she dressed herself)