Monday, February 14, 2011

The Nursery


It's only February, how can I be so busy already? Sorry I missed posting last Wednesday! There's not a whole lot going on here in plant-land which is good since my time is full of so many other things like, finding a good school for my daughter's who's about to go into kindergarten, my birthday (ack, the big 4-0!), finishing up the quarterly newsletter for our local GIG (gluten intolerance group) branch, taxes, my Moms BD, preschool parties, quilt guild meetings, etc. I am happy to report that I'm never bored! (Though sometimes exhausted, and then there's coffee for that - heee!)

Wee baby onions - variety, Long Red Onion of Florence

My cool weather sprouts are doing well. After they put out their first true set of leaves I made sure to give them a feeding of diluted liquid seaweed, most of them look very happy at the moment. I also started pepper plants, though they've yet to germinate. It's only been four days so I'm not worried yet. I probably should check on the soil temp though. It should be 70-80*F. If it's not warm enough I'll get out the heating pad.

Baby butterhead lettuce.

Otherwise I'm waiting for a clear day to get out in the garden and start top dressing my beds with a fresh load of compost. I still have to prune my blueberries too - it's getting really late for that! Zoinks.

Baby broccoli.

  • START SEEDS: Asparagus, cabbage (chinese), mint (seeds), hot and sweet peppers.
  • SOIL: Top dress garden beds with a layer of fresh compost.
  • PRUNE: Apple trees and blueberry bushes.
  • SPRAY: Peach trees for fungal diseases like peach leaf curl. I use a fixed copper spray safe for an organic garden.


Randy Emmitt said...


Happy Valentines Day. I thought you were not a day over 29! The babies look pretty good. We are eating all kinds of lettuce, kale and mustard greens planted in October/November in the cold frame.

Robin said...

I hope that you had a nice Valentine's Day! Your little babies look very happy & healthy :)

Peppers seem to take longer then other warm season veggies and can be very tempermental when they get a little bigger. I was told by greenhouse grower that when peppers get a little bigger don't get them too wet...they don't like their feet wet. That tip has really worked well for me.